Tornados of doubt, we are
Swirl winds of regret, we are and swing
Thunder strikes of excitement
Mudslides of worry
Downpour as our inner most anxieties can be or are

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Questioning most of our decisions that we gather up months’ of courage to make
The choices themselves we make
Looking through every single detail for any unturned table to see if we can turn it around for a different outcome

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Swirl winds can be very interesting, can’t they?
With the sharpness they hold in their small circle of revolve
Carrying as much as they can, with them
From one direction to the next
That’s how, many of us, I inclusive (hehe) be carried around in our regret
Wishing we could have done better in our lives than now
Wishing something much better would possibly have come our way, if we had been a little patient
Wishing if hhhhmmmmm….just thought about tomorrow before saying something that we uttered out

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Thunder ….. Exciting, right?
Even just the sight of it, from a distance quite far off
Watching it striking close to you, with all the sound jetting down from it
Can be scary, right?
To the point that you make differing sounds to it
Sounds that may be of joy or shock or fear or welcome!
Our excitement or moments of it, work like this exactly.

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Have you seen a mudslide before?
One that occurs naturally at least?
Or even, an artificial one?
The way the land fill is swept away slowly, over time
Without much of the human eye’s notice
Sometimes, it’s what we do that erodes away the soils, that we are soon left with nothing but the landfills itself, burying us under the ground.

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The downpour of the rain…. Heavy and light, alike
The sun can be shining just now
And the clouds can be saying something different entirely
In no second, the rains begin striking down on the roof tops
Then, on the ground, the dust begins unsettling
You can literally feel it from your nose that the rains have started….it feels dusty, in there, doesn’t it?
Let’s direct this to our anxieties…..and how we manage to interact with them, on a daily
One moment, we are this happy person that isn’t being on-constant reminder about what crap we have for a life
Smiling, hi5ing with everybody and catching up on the latest
Long before all this is coming to an end, someone says something they shouldn’t have
And then, that’s when the ooohhh ooohhhh’s begin flying in…. you put down whatever you’re doing and head for the exit
It becomes clear that your ghosts have met up with you
The signs begin showing….the nail-biting, the restlessness, flinching of the fists and twitching of the eyes, stamping of your foot on the ground

WE ALL ARE A STORM OF OURSELVES….. do you even know it?