I know her….she isn’t that kind of person
I know him…he’s my brother
I know her….so well
My mother can never say that
I know my Daddy so well…he can’t even hurt a fly
I know myself too well
To know that I can never do such a thing in this lifetime
I know for sure that this will happen if you go through with your plan
I knew it….this was bound to happen
I know this won’t work…you all saw what happened last time
Honestly, I don’t know what just happened….I’ve never seen this in my life
I’ve not known her to be that kind of person
Wow…I guess don’t know my brother as well as I think I do
My God, that was a different person in my sister’s skin that I saw there
Damn…Mommy got me there by surprise
For all the years I have known Daddy, I’ve not known him to be this way
I never thought I still had it in me
Wow….I guess every day you live on earth is one for learning
This particular turn-around of events??? Who ever saw this coming?
Even I didn’t, I swear
Well then, I guess last time was last time….and now is now

What do you I really know?
This is a thought-provoking post! I read it twice..it walked me through so many scenarios in my life!
Aaaawwww….thank you, Holly.
I like this! People are incredibly complex, for better of worse, and it’s impossible to ever know what someone is capable of. And that applies to ourselves too!
This is such a beautiful post. I’m glad I read it. Sharing it with my family and friends. Great life lessons.
Aaawww….thank you, Remo!
Quite deep! Had to re-read it a few times for it to sink in. Thought-provoking!
I love this. I think it’s a powerful example of how you can never really know anyone, even your most close family members.
?? Thank yyyooouuuu, Stacie!
After reading this post, I know I don’t know as much as I think I know and that I have to learn more every day: what an excellent thought-provoking, conversation-starting post.
??? I’m very glad to hear this!
I read somewhere that you can never truly know someone. I guess you do the best you can with the information you have.
Yyyeeaahhhh….its so true. We don’t really know anybody. We just think we do! ??
This post really makes you think! We are a complicated animal, and we don’t know our capabilities, until they are exposed.
Tttrrruuueeee….most times, its when we are in a tight spot that we unleash our true selves, you know! ??
Well all people can have that “dark side” sometimes. I know that it can be though provoking but it’s true! Life is too complicated so as people.
Hehe….indeed, Emman! ??
Wow! This was really good! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
?? you are welcome, Brandy!
This read like poetry to me. Very nicely done, mate!
?? thank you, Ray!
Wow that was great! What a wonderful post!
?? thank you, Kristin!
This made me think of a Harry Potter quote: “We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
Thank you for sharing your thought provoking words 🙂
?? you are welcome, Sara!
People can take us by surprise sometimes. Even family can do this, it’s not just strangers.
Hehe….I kkknnnooowwwwww! And that’s what puzzles the most.
It sounds like there was betrayal you’ve experienced in your life. I believe we’ve all experienced this by a loved one and it’s shocking.
Yyyeeeaaahhhhhh….and it stung so much, Tiff! ??
What a great piece. It really digs in and makes you think about the people you think you know pretty well.
It really is interesting. My daughter just asked me a few days ago how well I know my friends and family. 75% if you’re lucky I guess, never the 100%
Hehe….I think I can guess your response(s) to her question, eeh?
This is a testimony to the fact that you can never really know anyone. And under the simplest of scenarios they may do something that you would least expect.
?? true, Lavern!
Interesting read. Always fun to read what you’ll write!
Hehe….thank you for appreciating, Heather! ????
This is interesting. Human beings can be really complex and we can live with them and not know them 100%. We are all capable of many things.
?? Very much so, Myrah!