
What are you?

Who do you think you are?



Why are you so β€œspecial” to some people?

Who do you think you are?



Why do some people work their bums off just to get you?

What is so special about you?



Are you aware that some people in this life have lost everything all because of you?

Why? Why do you do us like this?



I have lost sleep over you in the past

I just wish I had been told that day, when I was getting you or being nominated in you!



How is it that no matter your size, your impact on somebody’s life literally remains the same?

Like….make it make sense for me!



Are we allowed to return you back to the people who gave you to us?

Do not get mad…I am just asking kko…I want to see something here!


Photo credit:Β Vox



What things do we have to do, to get you?

I want to know….



Who is worthy of picking you up, on that very shiny stage?

I wonder….


Photo credit:Β



Why do I keep looking at you with so much joy and detest, at the same time?

What did you do to me?



How best can we call you?

Do you have a gender? Or sex? Or specific pronouns that you use?



Do we need to actually study about you, like in school, to understand you better?

I am still looking for somebody who actually understands you, sincerely!



Why are you seasonal?

Do you get to live like us, the people who you get served to?



Is it possible for you to be invisible, sometimes?

Like….for real?



Is it okay if I tattoo everywhere on my body or everywhere I go?

I could consider it, in the future, may be!