Ps. By the way, the way our Daredevil was taken down, that wasn’t nice at all! I recall the same thing happened with Whiskey Cavalier.

Alright then.

Enough of that!

Let’s get to it.

Did you have the honour

Of watching every single episode of this show

As it run, on Netflix?

I DID!!!


And me thinks that Matt Murdoch was the B.O.M.B!

This guy knew exactly how to take care of business.

I mean, just look at his two lives….during the day, he takes on injustice as a lawyer

And in the night….IN THE NIGHT, he is the best vigilante New York City has ever had!

More so, he does all this, BLIND!

As time goes, you will come to appreciate his love for his faith and belief in God

You will come to understand how he, Matt, came to be blind

Most of all, I want you to salute him for his relentlessness in going after Wilson Fisk

Fisk is one very dangerous criminal

Who will crash anything and anyone that gets in his way

You may want to look at what he did here

In the near future,

You will see a very familiar face from Punisher

Named Frank Castle

I have to warn you…this guy is way deadlier than Fisk!

Then, the best thing that has happened entirely falls into play

Wilson Fisk is arrested!

So many people jubilate but this may prove to be disastrous to the entire city!

Of course, our bad-ass lawyer returns in the picture

From hiding after what happened to The Defenders. Have you heard of them or met them?

They are really good, too!

This is where Matt has to decide on how he wings this….

He either has to do it all out as a lawyer or as the hero vigilante that he is!

This goes for his 2 ride-or-dies; Karen Page and β€œFoggy” Nelson

They have been hidden away quite well

For fffaaarrrr too long!


~ I’ve to tell you; you’re gonna love this one ~