
A fan of yours for 2 decades’ now

With a lot of questions on his mind.


Dear Premier League,


How are you doing? I am not fine. I’ll get right into it!


β€œAre there black referees in the Premier League?”


For all the years I’ve watched and enjoyed the Premiership, I can count the number of times I’ve seen a black referee officiating a match or even on the touchline or even as a lines-official!



Recently, I wrote something about events that took place β€œafter the final whistle” was blown, by the referee at a particular match in the Premier League. Did you get to see it? I’ve brought it back to your notice, in this paragraph, where you see the words that have been quoted and are in bold ink!

I must say that I was left so disturbed by what I saw that day!


In my opinion, we might need β€œto take more knees” as this has become your norm or just do the right thing. I’ll let you decide what this β€œright thing” will be!


Yours watchfully,



Photo credit:Β Sky SportsΒ