Here’s an idea that started from Facebook….at least, for me
Because that’s where I saw it first and got inspired to do it
“Having a tin aside for all my happy moments in the year to be recorded and kept there”.
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I see you…. Trying to draw a mental picture of the whole thing and it’s just crazy how someone can do this
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But yeah…I tried for the month of January and I loved it, surprisingly
It kept me on my toes, for one thing
And had me staying sober for as long as I have been, in the past 4 years (hihi)
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There is a lot of writing, I can guarantee you
And recalling of events, as well
So, that won’t be an easy one for you, that’s not up for it
Photo credit: Tweny Moments

Here’s how the whole idea is…and how it started

  • Keep alive, this week.
  • Live your life as happily as you can
  • Treasure and keep these memories in your mind, as closely as you can, because you will need to recall them down to paper and into the tin, yeah?
  • At the end of the week, grab a pen and paper.
  • Get comfy and begin recalling one memory at a time.
  • Separate out the good ones from the bad, for all those and only that happened that past week.
  • Write down all those good memories….from the moment you woke up in the morning, to the time you slept off in the night.

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Have you done all this? Then, do this….
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  • Get yourself an empty tin….preferably one that’s transparent enough because this exercise will test for your sense and degree of transparency.
  • Label it whichever way you want, as a symbol that’s very important in your life.
  • Then, drop in your list of the good that happened last week, inside your tin and store away safely!

Most of all keep doing this, for every week, this year!
And then, let’s hear from you and one another how good this year has been.
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So, back in history now… I’m on my Facebook one afternoon and I get scrolling down to this particular post of a picture…
Having a glass jar…empty but with writings on it, to signify a tin of happiness.
I think to myself….who does such a thing?
May be, I can actually try this out and see what happens in the end, right?
Photo credit:

So, I share this post to my wall and guess what, we kind of create a challenge among-st us all that reacted to it.
I committed myself that day to begin off, on my end
And yeah….here we are, 12 weeks after the start of the year 2018.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been so consistent on the part of writing…..reason being? – “life happened”!
But, I have always managed to put to good use, my photographic memory and managed to recall the dope memories of the week
And on the afternoons on the weekends mostly, I have managed to write down how it all went.
Photo credit: Bill Bekunda Kahirimbanyi

That’s my happiness in a my tin, there….