Hey there,

We are back again with very complicated terms, words, phrases and our huge love for speaking about what we want to speak about….in the name of psychology!

We are going to look at two principles of human growth and development…using the lens of psychology.



Photo credit:Β Verywell Mind


Therefore, according to psychology, little ones we call children are all unique and different from one another

Making it very important to study their growths and developments.

However, before we can study those two aspects of their life journeys, it is very vital to recognize that,


β€œChildren differ in cognitive, social, physical and emotional development patterns. They may differ in response for the same object or play or affection or people. Some always appear to be active and happy and other appear to be dull and unhappy. It has been found that some children are easier to like. To help all kinds of children, it is required to understand the sequence of development pattern”


as our friends at β€œIPL” have put it, up there on their essay.

Now, this is where those very difficult words to pronounce come in.

They are β€œcephalocaudal” and β€œproximodistal”. These two are the distinguished principles of human growth and development.


Cephalocaudal Proximodistal


The cephalocaudal principle of human growth and development basically looks at the development of something or a creature from it’s head downwards….like the way you see a baby.

It strongly believes and suggests that as a baby grows and develops, everything starts from the head according to their body size as it grows larger or bigger over time gaining control of their head first, the arms and finally, the legs in that order.

You have probably heard of the saying,

β€œThey cannot walk before they can stand”, right?


Photo credit:Β DOCTORS Fact


This is it….usually for every given stage in time of the infant growing; a particular body part keeps on growing larger and β€œstronger”, for that matter.

Before you know it, we are now seeing movements on the face of the little one.

Before we can stop aawwwiinnggg at those very good looking face movements, they have now learned to use their arms to lift themselves up.

Not long after that, they have totally gained control of their legs and are now either standing up, crawling, or walking!

AMAZING, right?


Photo credit:Β Medical News Today


On the other hand, we have the proximodistal principle of human growth and development.

This principle strongly supports the view that the body develops from it’s centre going outwards.

It appreciates that the spinal cord is at the centre of the body and gets to develop first and other parts of the body follow.

Arms develop before the hands, and the hands and feet develop before the fingers and toes. Fingers and toes are the last to develop.



Photo credit:Β Ebena


Point to note is that there are some factors that get to have a say in how human beings develop over time.

Things like maturity where changes in the brain and nervous system get to determine changes in the biology of these children and hence, their respective abilities!

We will look at those, more in detail soon….as we share with one another on the principles of human growth and development!