
You are one creation very few people are eager to talk about

And yet, we are all forced to visit you sometime, to empty our bowels and hearts!

Who knew how important you are!


This toilet, says Jennifer Foster from PATH, looks like a pour-flush toilet. That means a user manually pours in water to flush down waste. It’s from the Salhi family’s two-bedroom home in Tunisia, where Mabrouk and his wife, Jamila, live with their four children and have a monthly income of $209.


You are no longer just some seat or squatting box or standing over area that we all get to empty our fill at.

You are no longer just that hole in the ground where our faeces go. (although you take up too much of our water)

You are no longer just that smelly place everyone hates taking more than 10 minutes in.


Photo credit:Β Two Monkeys Travel Group


Toilets, you have been a refuge to so many people out there.

Toilets, you have kept very deadly diseases from ravaging us quickly.

Toilets, you have enabled us collect manure and fertilizer for our crops in the field!


Photo credit:Β Discovery Magazine



Who knew just how important you are?!