You don’t have to breathe if you don’t want to

You don’t have to see anyone if you don’t want to

You don’t have to insult me if you don’t like me

You don’t have to like me if you don’t want to

You don’t have to explain anything to me

You don’t have to leave if you don’t want to

You don’t have to stay out there if you can get in

You don’t have to be somebody that you are not


You don’t have to listen to me

You don’t have to give me 5 minutes of your time

You don’t owe me anything

You don’t owe yourself anything

You don’t have to beg me for something that is yours

You don’t have to put me on a pedestal

You don’t have to prove a point

You don’t have to live beyond what you can afford


Me doesn’t have to sit around and wait for that crap

Me doesn’t have to be the grown-up in this situation

Me doesn’t have to be greedy…we will have our turn

Me doesn’t have to be pretending to be something I am not


They don’t have to waste their time coming here

They don’t have to pretend with me

They don’t have to be violent

They don’t have to steal anything from here…we have enough for everybody

Do you have any other situation that you can turn into these kinds of questions?

Turn them already

Try being honest with yourself about the answers you will give

I believe you. You are capable of doing more….doing better than you did previously.


You don’t have to….