You won’t be seeing any β€œKorean” or β€œChinese” in this post

That is simply because the β€œBlood and Water” we are going to talk about here, is the one from South Africa.

Where we have a VERY VERY SERIOUS conspiracy on our hands that we seek to un-cover!!!!

I have to say that this is a kind of show where you have to β€œtrust your instincts” at all times

They will come in handy, every single time.

The 16th of August of every year

In the home of Puleng, it’s a mixed bag of how-to-feel. Because ….

After a very beautiful baby-girl was born

But somehow, this baby-girl got β€œto be switched” with another family!

Now, I don’t even want to imagine how this feels!

For one reason or another, I don’t want to admit yet that Fiksie is this baby girl that went missing

And another side of me so badly wants to admit that it is her.

I mean…. when you watch the premiere season-finale, you get to see the results from the DNA test that Puleng secretly carried out and if we all thought what she looked like, it looks like we are a complete match.

Blood & Water
Credit: Netflix

All the efforts that have led up to this moment have taken 17 years to mature

I want you to imagine just how many people are caught up in this never-seeming-to-end β€œweb”!

How many people are hurt and are going to get hurt

How many lives are changed forever, on a daily basis

What the future holds and looks like for certain people, once everything is said and done!

I guess when they say the truth will always set you free, you always have to ask, β€œhow free”?

Because none of us is truly free until we are all free, right?

Baba knows this all too well!

Personally, I feel season 1 was dragging a bit

But the future will β€œout-run” us, fingers crossed!

Good script, great show…in my own honest opinion!