So faint

And yet, so loud

Is my heartbeat

I can literally hear it in my ears


Slowly sounding away in my chest sometimes

Other times, it feels like my heart wants to jump out of my chest

If you were to place your head and ear on my chest, you would hear it clearly and know this

Is my heartbeat

3D illustration of a human heart

Under my wrists, against my elbows, on the sides of my ears, on the softer parts of my neck

I can feel it throbbing

Both slowly and faster

And that is my heartbeat

Sometimes, I visit the doctor

Who uses the long tube that he places on my chest and abdomen

To listen to my heartbeat

Whatever I am told, I just might have to go with it

When I see my favourite person

I can swear some of my heartbeats aren’t recorded

I swear they skip

Once or twice or thrice

My heart is that excited and that

Is my heartbeat

When I see my favourite person no more

I can swear many of my heartbeats are recorded….heavy and sad and deep

I swear they don’t skip because I hear them loud and clear

Once, twice, thrice and more

My heart is that broken and sad and that

Is my heartbeat

When someone startles me

Or when I come across something that I am afraid of

Some of those heartbeats skip, too

But this time around, the heart beats a little too much

Either to let me know that I can face what I am looking at

Or not and I need to run away…and that

Is my heartbeat

When you are lying, the heartbeats can always tell that you are

If you are trained to slow them down, you just might get away with it

And when you are telling the truth, the heartbeats won’t lie about that

If you are trained to jump them up a bit, you just might get away with it

And that

Is my heartbeat

How about when you are doing something you love?

How about when you are doing something you hate or dislike?

Is your heartbeat significant or important in that moment?

Can you tell how many times you have counted your heart beat?

Can you ably say that this is my heartbeat?


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