First of all, do you know what equality is?

Or have an idea of it?

Even the vaguest can be something to start with as we build our way up!

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As far as the Sustainable Development Goals go, the United Nations say,

We cannot achieve sustainable development if we exclude any part of the world’s population”.

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I know that for sure. Is it the same case for you?


With this goal, we hope to reduce inequalities within and among countries.


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Inequalities based on income, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, class, ethnicity, religion and opportunity continue to persist across the world, within and among countries.

Inequality threatens long-term social and economic development, harms pov­erty reduction and destroys people’s sense of fulfillment and self-worth.

This, in turn, can breed crime, disease and environmental degradation.

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Most importantly, we cannot achieve sustainable development and make the planet better for all if people are excluded from opportunities, services, and the chance for a better life.

Let’s try putting some face to this person…..inequality….

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An estimated 69 million children under five years of age give or take, will die from mostly preventable causes!

Rural women are three times more likely to die while giving birth than women in urban centres!

Many families in developing countries are living in societies where income is more unequally distributed than it was in the 1990s.

These are just a few examples, but it is an issue that affects every country in the world.

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Why should I need to care about inequality if I don’t face any discrimination?

In today’s world, we are all interconnected.

Problems and challenges, be they poverty, climate change, migration or economic cri­ses are never just confined to one country or region.

Even the richest countries still have communities living in abject poverty.

The oldest democracies still wrestle with racism, homophobia and transphobia, and religious intolerance.

A recent UNICEF report noted growing inequality among children in several high-income countries.

Global inequality affects us all, no matter who we are or where we are from.

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Can we actually achieve equality for everyone in this world?

It can be and should be achieved to ensure a life of dignity for all. Political, economic and social policies need to be uni­versal and pay particular attention to the needs of disadvantaged and mar­ginalized communities.

Recent statistics have shown that this is possible.

From 2007 to 2012, the average income of some of the poorest families in more than 50 countries, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia, grew faster than their national averages, reducing the income inequality in those countries.

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What can we do?

Reducing inequality requires transformative change.

Greater efforts are needed to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and invest more in health, education, social protection and decent jobs especially for young people, migrants and other vulnerable communities.

Within countries, it is important to empower and promote inclusive social and economic growth.

We can ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of income if we eliminate discriminatory laws, policies and practices.

Among countries, we need to ensure that developing countries are better represented in decision-making on global issues so that solutions can be more effective, credible and accountable.

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Governments and other stakeholders can also promote safe, regular and responsible migration, including through planned and well-managed policies

for the millions of people who have left their homes seeking better lives due to war, discrimination, poverty, lack of opportunity and other drivers of migration.


I feel lucky and ready! Are you?