As usual, I want you to define β€œlaw” and β€œthe law”

For yourself

And then, I want you to define β€œtruth” for yourself.

For everyone understands these words and phrases their own way

We nuh want any troubles or mix-ups!


Remember this?

I bet this equation can speak a little about truth.

Lies can never be the truth…they can only be β€œyour version of the truth”

The law is words, phrases, numbers and tenses put together

For a given land, institution, beings and occupants to abide by

It doesn’t mean that it is β€œright” or the β€œtruth”

It is only true that it exists!

Lastly, the law can be “adjusted” (mis)appropriately to fit the prevailing circumstances

The truth, on the other hand, cannot be adjusted to β€œfit the prevailing circumstances”

It stands alone and the test of time.

~ Defy. Disobey. Disrupt. ~