I finally downloaded Alborosie’s new album called β€œFor The Culture”

There’s a track, in there, that I fell in love with immediately!

It’s called β€œWhere Do You Go” that he did with Big Mountain.

Remember the very famous reggae song called β€œCaribbean Blue”? (Well, that was Big Mountain for you.)


Photo credit:Β Reggaeville


As I write this, I have listened to this song more times than I have counted

And there’s something so sweet about it.

You don’t believe me? I want you to watch its video visualizer on YouTube!


I have thought about its lyrics and title so much

And realised, taking refuge somewhere when everything is going bad, is so important.

It is something I do not often think about, I must admit

However, hearing it on a record like this, has me rocking away slowly to this reality of life that we live in!


Ask yourself the same question….

Where Do You Go….?