For a few days now, I am on a journey of meditation and mindfulness.

There is a whole background of how I came to meditate and live mindfully.

It is something I chose to experiment with to see if it could offer me some relief for my anxiety and so far, it has done just that and more.


Photo credit:Β Verywell Mind


For some weeks now, I have struggled and lived with anxiety.

This anxiety has been brewing and growing for a while now until it got to a point where it demanded audience from me.

A few days in my past have induced this bout of anxiety in me, where I seriously regret my actions and only wish I had done otherwise.


You know how you get to experience something you have never experienced in your life before?

That is how I have been, these past few weeks.

I had never experienced an anxiety attack or panic attack, for that matter….I had only studied about these things in psychology class.


These anxiety attacks would come and go

There were times I felt like my life was ending but then, in a few minutes, that gutting feeling would be gone.

I just wanted that feeling to go away once and for all; I needed my old life back, you know!


A few days later, I decided to do a dive on the internet to read about anxiety.

That is where I came across this website talking about the use of mindfulness and meditation.

There was a small advert of the Calm app as well and they strongly advised that I make use of that app.


Photo credit:Β Diginomica


I picked interest in it and decided to give it a try.

I downloaded it and started using it on Tuesday last week.

Wow…wow…wow! I only regret not having done this much earlier in my life.


There is something so simple and yet so good with meditating.

Just sitting there, in a place of quiet you have made for yourself as you focus on the moment that matters the most, which is NOW!

Mindfulness helps to train you live in that same moment with tenderness and less judgement.


The more I have meditated and lived mindfully these past few days,

The more I have realised that every one of us has their own share of burdens that they are carrying.

We only get to live with them, in our own respective ways.


Am I feeling better than I was before trying the app?

Yes, I am. I am so so much better.

These days, I can actually go a whole day without feeling anxious, at all.


Is meditating and living mindfully something I will want to do, for the rest of my life?

Definitely, yes!

I only wish I had started doing these things much earlier.


It has gotten to a point where I need to check into the app for how I am feeling

I love being on that app and making use of the facilities there.

Ranging from the introductory classes all the way to the sleep stories!


You should try out meditation and mindfulness…

Just like I am trying out the Insight TimerΒ app!


Photo credit:Β UX Collective